OGDCL maintains a balanced portfolio of exploratory assets in the established and unexplored areas. In line with its exploration-led growth strategy, OGDCL has acquired in-house state-of-the-art technology along with a qualified team of professionals to exploit potential exploration targets with minimized risks.
The Exploration Department leverages advanced exploration technology, with seismic imaging as the cornerstone for hydrocarbon exploration. OGDCL operates five seismic acquisition crews, equipped with cutting-edge 2D/3D technology to navigate diverse terrains. A new state-of-the-art recorder will soon enhance our seismic data acquisition capabilities.
Our in-house seismic data processing center features a supercomputing cluster for advanced image processing. The Prospect Generation team, skilled in seismic interpretation across Pakistan’s basins, utilizes leading software and 3D visualization tools.
Additionally, OGDCL is committed to evaluating unconventional hydrocarbon potential, focusing on shale and tight gas resources in the Indus Basin. We welcome partnerships and joint ventures to explore and develop these assets..
OGDCL Portfolio 31 Aug 2024