
Archive Tenders

Tender Enquiry No Description Bid Closing Bid Opening Publishing Tender Type Tender Category Tender Release Download
TE/NOF/CORR/01/2024 Purchase of materials required for anode bed installation at well nashpa#04 and tr unit at crude storage tank#01&02 at nashpa plant 18/04/24 11:00 18/04/24 11:3025/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/COF/COR/01/2024 Procurement of mmo anodes for chanda oil field 18/04/24 11:30 18/04/24 12:0025/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/MOF/COR/01/2024 Procurement of mmo anodes for mela oil field 18/04/24 11:30 18/04/24 12:0025/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/LOG/TA/03/2024 Shifting of barite/mud chemical from ogdcl kds base store, opposite commander city, m-9, karachi to rig slr-225 betani deep-1 & tca-t-202, betani-2, district lucky marwat (±1280) km one side) 06/04/24 10:00 06/04/24 10:0022/03/24 Web Tender Services Limited
TE/LOG/TA/04/2024 Shifting of barite/mud chemical from ogdcl kds base store, opposite commander city, m-9, karachi to rig n-2, uch-35 & 36, district dera bugti. (±610) km one side) 06-04-2024 1000 hrs 06-04-2024 1030 hrs oil & gas 06/04/24 10:00 06/04/24 10:3022/03/24 Web Tender Services Limited
CSR/8155/2023 Re Tender Hiring of hiace (ambulance) 08/04/24 11:00 08/04/24 11:3021/03/24 Web Tender Services Limited
TE/MOF/PEFD/02/2024 Hiring of logistic services for mela#6 project 05/04/24 11:00 05/04/24 11:3021/03/24 Web Tender Services Limited
PROC-WT/UCH/ATA 2024-25/MECH-01/ 2024 Supply of heat exchangers gaskets for uch-i & uch-ii ata 2024-25 (annex.-a) 30/03/24 11:00 31/03/24 11:0015/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/ PFS/TOC/2024/025 Services required for complete cleaning, dismantling/ cutting of roof plates, roof railing, shell plates, bottom plates, rafters, stairs, center column including all steel structure & piping of gun barrels tank#11 (5500 bbls capacity) and shifting of all  25/03/24 11:00 25/03/24 12:0013/03/24 Web Tender Services Limited
PROC-LT/PT/CSR-19191 Supply of ramzan ration bags 14/03/24 10:30 14/03/24 10:3009/03/24 Local Goods Press
RCKT-CSR/10012/2024 Installation of solar based pressure pump at village ghundi, mir khan khel , district ,karak 25/03/24 11:30 25/03/24 12:0008/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE-NOF-M-03-2024 Cylinder packing oil for compressors of nashpa plant 26/03/24 03:00 26/03/24 03:3008/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
PROC-PROD-SERV /19192/2024 Integrated well intervention services at weil jand-1 15/03/24 10:30 15/03/24 10:3008/03/24 Others Services Press
TE/LAB/UCH-01/2024 Refilling of helium cylinders of grade n5 (99.9992% pure) in 50-ltr cylinders at 200 bar having 10 m3volume. valve outlet: bs3 21/03/24 11:00 22/03/24 11:0007/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/MOF/PRS/01/2024 Procurement of furnished portable ccr for mela wells gathering facility 22/03/24 04:00 22/03/24 04:3007/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
CSB/KSG/10/2024 Procurement of stripper rubber (1.5" ct pipe) high quality from reputed company, to be used in stripper ( pressure control equipment) of ctu 19/03/24 11:30 19/03/24 12:3007/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/005 ADMIN/TOC/2024 Supply of blankets for camp residents of tando alam oil field 21/03/24 11:00 21/03/24 12:0006/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/SGF/2024/INST/01 Supply of instrumentation spares for ata-2024 of sinjhoro gas plant 21/03/24 10:30 21/03/24 11:0006/03/24 Web Tender Goods Limited
TE/SGF/2024/INST/02 Supply & services for project io license (vp6f3100-v11) & logic chart status display package sinjhoro gas plant 20/03/24 10:30 20/03/24 11:0005/03/24 Web Tender Goods/Services Limited
TE/ PFS/TOC/2024/024 Services for sand blasting and application of frp-coating (including material) of sweet storage tank#09 (12000 bbls capacity) at tando alam oil complex, distt: hyderabad sindh 21/03/24 11:00 21/03/24 12:0005/03/24 Web Tender Services Limited
